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L'Atelier du Vin: Weinzubehör für Weinkenner

Seit 1926 fertigt L'Atelier du Vin eine große Auswahl an Weinaccessoires. Sie bieten das passende Zubehör für die Herstellung, das Abfüllen und Servieren von Wein. In unserem Sortiment findest Du Korkenzieher, Kellnermesser und wunderschöne Geschenksets vom L'Atelier du Vin. Alle Produkte sind sehr funktional mit einem tollen Design. Das L'Atelier Du Vin ist immer darauf bedacht, Funktionalität und Design perfekt miteinander zu verbinden. Hierbei steht die Funktionalität an erster Stelle, direkt gefolgt von einem ansprechenden Design. Eleganz und Minimalismus prägen den Stil dieser französischen Marke.

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20 Produkte
Schnelle Lieferung aus eigenem Vorrat
Gratis Versand ab 50 €
Gratis Retoure innerhalb von 30 Tagen Anmelden
17.000+ Produkte im Sortiment
Schnelle Lieferung aus eigenem Vorrat
Gratis Versand ab 50 €

Why choose L’Atelier du Vin?

The corkscrews and sommelier knives by L’Atelier du Vin are exceptionally well-designed. They have come up with clever solutions that improve the lifting system, as well as special coatings on the corkscrews that make it easier for the steel to pierce through the cork. Moreover, many of L’Atelier du Vin's corkscrews have a replaceable spiral. Should they start to wear down after years of use, you could simply replace the spiral and keep enjoying your corkscrew for many more years. A very sustainable option!

Soft aeration

Young wines need to be aerated very gently. For this purpose, L'Atelier du Vin has special aerators that you insert into the bottle. Thanks to an ingenious system, the wine is aerated during pouring, which enhances the flavour.

Simple and efficient storage

Didn't finish the bottle of wine in one go? No problem. With a universal L'Atelier du Vin cork a bottle of wine can easily be put aside for a couple of days. A number of the gift sets contain this cork.

History of L’Atelier du Vin

L’Atelier du Vin was established in 1926 and has made quite a name for itself with their sublime wine accessories. Anything to store and open your best bottles of wine. Their Paris studio is the creative hotbed where they invest a lot of time and money in Research & Development. This brand prefers to make products that not only function amazingly well, but are also comfortable to use. Stringent quality controls in every step of the design and production process ensure that every L'Atelier du Vin product is of the very highest quality. We included this chic brand to our range in 2019.

Häufig gestellte Fragen zu L'Atelier du Vin